Hypnos persona
Hypnos persona

hypnos persona

I could hear Travis Willingham speaking to me in the back of my head “Time Limit” He kept repeating but in the spirit of true exploration I went darting down that hallway. So I was just about to turn around and leave the Dream World when I noticed one more unexplored path on my map. I did not see that coming and honestly it creeps me out just a little bit. Oh Hanya how do you fail, let me count the ways.Īnd Tamaki and Tadashi are having a lovey dovey cuddlie dream. Hanya’s having a dream about being the principal, which he seems to believe would put him on the same level as God. Seems our beloved Nurse doesn’t recognize An-chan who she’s spent so much time healing…. You can go up to them and interact with them. So sprawling dungeon corridors later I found…the inside of Yin & Yan convenience store? Oh it’s Nurse Natsumi’s dream, she’s still infatuated with the hottie who broke it off with her you see. What fun is there in only doing half the adventure though? So in a blatant fit of ignoring the clear authority figure here, I went through the door anyway. Philemon appears to remind me that I’m on a time limit and I don’t really need to go in there. To the Dream World if the text up top can be trusted. We can presume there is not a boss behind that door but in fact more dungeon. So since Brown hasn’t been right about anything yet…ever. There hasn’t been a single interactive item on the dungeon maps to date, but I will admit that this particular spot looked strange enough that I did stop and try to fiddle with it. They won’t seem to wake up though so time to continue onwards for now. Tadashi, Tamaki, Nurse Natsumi, and now the Principal, and Vice Principal of the school. So we’re going through this dungeon right and in various rooms there have been sleeping NPC’s. How hard can it be to beat a sleeping god? Bring it on baby. Unless it means eternal sleep Eriko….Any way after careful consideration we started this fine little adventure off with Hypnos tower. This blocks Nanjo from joining your group, not because we can’t use extra back up but because we can’t fit anymore character heads at the bottom of the screen. So you kick Toro’s butt and Brown offers to join up with your little group, and by offers I mean all but forces himself on you while laughing like a mad man. Try to let them down a little easier next time, for my sake at least…please? Of course he might not have wanted to kill everyone if Ayase hadn’t called him a fat loser after his love confession to her. I really love Brown, but I wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to deck the guy. So Toro decides that if we’re going to hide food from him, we can all just die. Toro is clearly none to pleased by any of this. It seems him and a couple of other students hid the available rations in the school so they wouldn’t all get devoured by the resident fat kid Toro. Brown was my favorite character in P1’s regular play through so I’ll go pick him up. Since neither Mark or Maki are in the school at this point that leaves me with prissy boy Nanjo or the second banana Brown. So without further ado the group shoves Eriko into the back of your lineup and goes off to find one more person who qualifies as ‘not hideous’ to join the party. Eriko however happens to be standing a foot away, she’s smart, good with the occult, and not hideously ugly. So while scouting possible party members we run into Tsutomu, he knows a lot about the occult right? So maybe he’d make a good fourth party member…oh wait he’s not Ayase’s type….guess he’s out of the question then. Oh well at least Nanjo gave me a gun for Ayase….


Right so fifteen hours later we finally have equipment of some sort for my party….oh crap I don’t have a full party do I? I need two more party members stat. So having had finally finished my epic training montage, it’s time to actually start playing the game itself.

Hypnos persona